Like @koaleszenz my real answer is boring (probably Super Mario or Mike Tyson's Punchout), but in reality these were my older brother's first games.
The first system I really remember was SNES. I had many favorites. Super Mario Kart, NHL Stanley Cup, Secret of Evermore, Mega Man X... but my absolute jam was E.V.O.: Search for Eden
I probably played E.V.O. end-to-end 30 times, and a million more times started and never finished.
You start out as a tiny schmey fishy thing and evolve through the ages into amphibians, lizards, dinosaurs, birds, and even a human if you knew the right combo of evolutionary upgrades to select. Some of my fondest memories are taking turns playing this game with my brother.
In reality it's a pretty boring game. You generally follow a map in one direction and the stages are repetitive AF, but something about leveling up your creature was just so freaking exciting to my childhood brain. Plus I think I had a crush on this lady.
It definitely piqued an early childhood love of science (and gaming!) and I still occasionally play it to this day.
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