With the newly released map @Conserva_North that has ppl talking about logging old growth, it triggers for me our struggle with industrial logging - we have lived in our remote glacial watershed for thousands of years with no roads in/out just the sea 1/4
Over a 100 years ago when settlers came to our valley, we were pushed into one small ‘reserve’ & they took our trees & fish - building a railway to the headwaters - our leadership fought this to no avail as burial trees were cut down & graves desecrated -bodies left to float away
We used to be able to walk up to the glacier as the undergrowth was minimal, I’ve only known it to be so thick in second growth under brush to be impassable but I found this untouched side channel where it’s beauty amazed me 18 km upriver as a tiny pocket of untouched wonder
Companies changed but 100 years of logging happened & no, we received no $$. We fought them on pesticides, blockaded & now there are no more trees worth their third passover - and we’re still here - in houses on taller stilts as the floods rise on a straightening faster river
We won’t let them back in after they stripped our watershed, we won’t leave because we are born into this land, we can’t take our stewardship responsibilities lightly, & so we are fighting for our title to be recognized & while the glacier slowly recedes we pray for healing 4/4
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