Dr. Henry said yesterday that children are "not amplifiers [of COVID] in schools" or the community.

My questions to epidemiologists everywhere: Is it true there's consensus on this issue? Are children and schools amplifying this pandemic or not?

@DFisman @DrZoeHyde
Dr. Henry also claims that BC's school masks policies are broadly similar to the rest of Canada's. This is simply not true. I can't believe she's allowed to misstate her own policies to quite this extent. Or perhaps she has no firm handle on existing school safety measures in BC?
This study seemingly confirms a point that Dr. Henry stubbornly refuses to acknowledge: Young children can and do transmit COVID efficiently, even while asymptomatic.

If Dr. Henry's a scientist, why is she acting more like a politician on this matter? https://twitter.com/DrZoeHyde/status/1360246799324225544?s=19
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