Thoughts on abuse being revealed:

What’s really hard right now—and this is nothing compared to what the real victims have gone through—is all the times I’m remembering over the years where I have seen something and said something—only to be ignored, dismissed, or placated. 1/
And then when the abuse does come to light, people complain, or unfollow, or unfriend when you continue to expose it because they think you are dwelling too much on what’s past, what’s done and you’re being too “negative” .... 2/
....or they think you shouldn’t share the “sordid” details because facing what happened is somehow worse than what actually did happen and people would rather keep their heads in the sand than learn enough to prevent it from happening again. 3/
So here you go. When I see something, I will say something. I will (God willing) do it the right, biblical way, but if I see these red flags for abuse of power (which is the start of all the other abuses) in my sphere, I will say something. 4/
Note: don’t ever assume that people behind the scenes are not doing things just because you can’t see them doing so. 5/
So here are red flags I have seen. Please add more to this thread! 6/

—fake degrees and titles (dishonesty, abuse of power)

—plagiarism (dishonesty, stealing, false witness, covering)

—boards made up of family and friends/nepotism

—“sexy” pictures on social media (c’mon!)
All forms of gaslighting
“Faithful are the wounds of a friend; profuse are the kisses of an enemy.”

I am a friend but some in the church treat me as an enemy.
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