Here are the best threads I've ever read on Twitter.

A collection on:

- Marketing
- Life & purpose
- Startups
- Entrepreneurship
- Passion

I'll be adding to this list as I discover more from amazing creators I see on this app every day.

You need to read these ASAP 👇
1. @sweatystartup -- what entrepreneurs should focus on to gain financial freedom.

This is one of the most impactful threads I've ever read.
2. @KapilGuptaMD -- Rethinking the value we derive from schooling and how it applies to future success.

"True education occurs on the pavement, not the blackboard."
3. @EllenRhymes -- an actionable framework to improve your writing.

This applies to any writing, whether it's social, blog, site copy, or more.
4. @gregisenberg -- Venturing into startups or looking to grow your business / side-hustle / freelance?

Every tweet in this thread should be printed and saved.

You'll learn more from the following tweets than your last 10 books:
5. @hnshah -- first-time founder challenges.

Hiten has built & advised amazing startups from the ground up.

Here he asks and responds to top challenges with actionable advice, for free.
6. @ThatChristinaG -- How to build a community 101.

Make friends. Engage with cool folks working on interesting projects.

If you're just starting out here, this thread is your guiding light to meeting amazing people.
7. @CJ_250marketing -- Market yourself. Master your portfolio.

Marketing yourself is just as important as marketing a business.

Creators are businesses. Want to stand out?

Include these in your marketing portfolio.
8. @denvercoder -- Life lessons from a .net developer who was in prison for 12 years.

If this isn't building in public, I don't know what is.

We can often learn more from the lows than we can the highs.
9. @warikoo -- finding meaning in your life.

Being good at something and being happy doing it are two different things.

The purpose and meaning of your life is the journey you take and create.
10. @domm -- Building in public.

Not every thread has to be 40 tweets long with life-changing questions.

Those are great, but not a prerequisite for value.

Want to build in public?

Do this:
11. @naval -- how to get rich without getting lucky.

And beyond that, how to do it ethically, with purpose, and with a greater vision than pure wealth creation.
12. @joulee -- Life lessons from the future.

In this thread and comment section, it's both inspiring and enlightening to read what people wish they learned a decade earlier.
13. @cesifoti -- Life changes at 40 years old.

CĂ©sar shares "nuggets of wisdom" from his 30s on learning, leadership, forgiveness, support, and life.
14. @mkhundmiri -- How to write like an artist.

"Always treat your words like replaceable commodities."

As a writer, it's hard to be introspective. We often take criticism to heart.

Writing is an art, and Mustafa shares how to cultivate the talent:
15. @chamath -- Interview questions that matter.

Here is how Chamath interviews candidates, asking meaningful questions like:

“Think about something you deeply love. Take a few minutes to prepare and then teach it to me in a few minutes.”
16. @wnrstweets -- How to love yourself.

Passion and love are driving forces in life and business.

But it first comes from within. Your strengths, your faults.

This thread is pure gold on how to be happy with who you are, and who you can become.
17. @G_S_Bhogal -- concepts to understand the world around us.

Our world is complex, incredible, and terrifying, all at the same time.

These ideas outlined are for the curious mind looking to delve deep into understanding life as we know it.
18. @Banker__X -- how to develop a business plan and hit the ground running.

Starting a business is one of the most exciting & challenges feats you can undertake.

Here's how to kick it off right with a no-frills business plan that just makes sense.
19. @ljin18 — how we all can make a living from our creativity.

It’s the dream now for many, but we have a ways to go before it’s reality.

“Societies and platforms flourish when there is a path for everyone to have upward mobility”
20. @jackbutcher — how to think about growth.

Visual learners, this thread is for you.

Abstract and meaningful; coal for the idea furnace.
21. @austin_rief — Co-founder of @MorningBrew on increasing your "luck surface area" by...

- Working hard and efficiently
- Building like minded connections
- Learning faster than competitors

More from Austin’s unique insights below:
22. @SamuelOtigba — on how to adapt a business in times of crisis.

“Innovation most times isn’t a new product or service, but a small nudge from 0 to 0.1 to cater to a newly discovered market demand.”

Don’t reinvent the wheel. Find better product market fit.
23. @ericosiu — build organic momentum in a content saturated world.

The days of “build it and they will come” are long gone for SEO.

Now, content needs creativity of both creation and promotion.

Eric provides valuable tips rooted in hands-on experience:
24. Want the best Twitter threads curated straight to your inbox every week?

Each week I'll be compiling the most impactful threads on business, startups, life, and more: 
25. @Julian — how to acquire your first customers as a startup.

This strategy goes deeper than just picking a channel to promote.

Instead start by paying to interview people who've successfully grown a startup like yours:
You can follow @jmoserr.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

Latest Threads Unrolled:

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