something I appreciate about this is that Anthony Head - the oldest member of the cast, the most established and thus the one most protected from the bullshit - responded both by believing everyone AND beginning to reexamine his own experiences to find the signposts he'd missed.
it doesn't make him a bad person that he didn't see this happening at the time. it was probably, in fact, very deliberately kept away from him.

Meryl Streep said often of Weinstein, "I didn't know because he needed me to not know". Abusers need more powerful people for cover.
It's absolutely gutting how consistent the stories are coming out from young actors who knew they were at his mercy, but it's also a really important reminder of why someone like Head - who seems like a really good person - might still have been perceived as not safe to tell.
I can't imagine how shitty it would feel to be in a position where you see yourself as a parental figure to these young artists you genuinely care about, but because you're (unknowingly) a friend and ally of their abuser, they didn't feel like they could come to you about it.
Anyway, I think, "okay, clearly there were red flags I missed, how do I do the work to make amends for that and do better next time" is a perfect response from someone in the increasingly common, terrible position of being friends with someone they later find out is a monster
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