Probably a controversial opinion but I think the PS2 era of game rendering tech was the best (simple/vertex lighting and base textures). Games like FF12, Ico, SotC, Silent Hill 2/3 all commanded their own atmosphere and style that is lost in hyper-rendered modern games. 💋🖤
I keep thinking about seeing a game like Bloodborne in a PS2 aesthetic and thinking how amazing it could look. FF12 still has the best magic and spell VFX I've ever seen.
There are some exceptions to this topic of course. INSIDE and Gravity Rush 2 are very strong in their identity and rendering. Even games like TLG, Control, Ghost of Tsushima, and Death Stranding benefit from their modern presentation in a way that they maybe wouldn't have before?
It's hard to say! I know that part of my problem is really in the lack of Art Direction differentiation. Another problem I have is just how films drive the game industry towards Hollywood-style visuals and away from experimental ones.
I should add too that my views here are not a value judgment on photo-realistic AD or games. There is room for everyone to explore whatever aesthetics they want. 💅🏾
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