Corruption in the music industry, a very necessary and long thread because some of y'all don't get it
(you don't have to be a larrie to read it)
Let's start with the major source of corruption, the very well known Sony.
- It's important to note that Sony is a mother company. Columbia Records, RCA Records, Epic Records and more are all under Sony and therefore the artists that are signed to them are under Sony as well.
Now let's see how record labels work. Their main goal is always one: money. They don't view artists as people but as numbers, as products. They don't hesitate to exploit artists or use racist, homophobic, transphobic and misogynistic methods, if that means more gain.
In simple words, it's capitalism. There are almost no exceptions in this rule. Record labels (big or small) have the same motive: to make the artist as successful as possible to earn as much money as possible.
A very important aspect in record deals is contracts. A recording contract is a legal agreement between a record label and a recording artist, where the artist makes a record (or series of records) for the label to sell and promote.
Almost all of the times labels own the copyright in the records the artists make. Even unreleased recordings remain the property of the label for the artist's entire career.
In those contracts an obligatory aspect is promotion. In order to raise the profile of a release, the artist will have to undertake some obligatory promotional work. The record company will deploy an army of radio, press, and new media marketeers to talk up the record.
In order to make the record sell more and attract the public, PR relationships are very common. They usually are executed prior or during the release of the record. Break ups around the same time also boost gossiping in the media and make the gp interested in the record.
A recent example:
The recording contract will require the artist to sign to the label exclusively. This means that they can't record for another label, nor can they leave the contract if they're unhappy. If the artist goes against the record label they can go as far as sabotaging them.
One of the most known examples is Michael Jackson. Michael is one of the best selling artists of all time, his success though is not solely based in his musical records but also in his business decisions.
Michael's intelligence in the business department and his rebellious spirit in exposing Sony is rumoured to be the reason why his life ended in 2009. After his death the media focused on exposing his "dark side" with rumours and documentaries on pedophilia and more.
On the other side there is little to no media coverage about his battle with his record company

This the only video that is available online of him exposing Sony:
There is though Michael jackson's nephew Taj Jackson that has made it his life's purpose to prove his uncle's innocence.

If you wanna get more educated about the michael situation you can check these out: 
Of course other artists have experienced similar exploitation. Prince literally legally changed his name into a symbol because his own name was owned by his record label. He used to draw the word "slave" in his cheek before performing to show how much he was exploited
"Warner Bros took my name, trademarked it, and used it as the main marketing tool to promote all of the music I wrote. The company owns the name Prince and all related music marketed under Prince. I became merely a pawn used to produce more money for Warner Bros."
Another example is George Michael who was forced in the closet for decades. More specifically, he was hiding his lovers, wrote songs about women and had PR stunts to pass as straight. Michael was not just marketed as straight though but also as a sex symbol.
He has said that every time he rebelled on the way he was portrayed Sony would threaten to sabotage him. And his last album was in fact highly sabotaged.

Mariah Carey was also scammed and sabotaged by Sony.
Another very interesting and recent case of exploitation from the industry is Britney Spears. Here are some threads that worth reading if you wanna educate yourself about it:
Of course record labels do not exploit only huge artists. Other artists have shared their experiences in the industry. There are countless examples but please just take some time to read this.
This exploitation continues to take place to this day because record companies still search for ways to make more money. Homophobia, racism, misogyny and transphobia still exist in the industry because they still exist in society as a whole.
A straight sex idol is much more easier to promote. If you think for a second that an artist coming out as gay wouldn't affect his career then maybe you should take a look outside of your privileged bubble.
Also I've heard the argument that artists are not "stupid" to sign those contracts. You are right Michael Jackson, Prince, Mariah Carey, George Michael and countless more weren't stupid but the industry found ways to exploit and sabotage them anyway.
In conclusion artists are not as free as you think. What the media posts is not as real as you think. Take the time to research if you really care about the artist. Sometimes what seems very obvious may seem that obvious for a reason because that's what they want you to believe
this is getting attention so check my other thread as well and follow me if you want :)
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