Laws of the Universe thread you never know you needed in order to really manifest everything you desire (things they never tell you) :
Let’s start with the most favourite one - Law of oneness. Now when we say law of oneness it really means “you and the universe are one” it also does mean we all do come from the same source. When you are closer to who you really are or your identity in this lifetime
You are in alignment with the universe itself. Hence the best way to connect or manifest is connecting with yourself first. Self love is the first step towards self mastery, healing trust issues with yourself and learning to nurture and love you and accept you will help you a lot
Start doing things that you love! It could be anything, do something you love everyday for an hour and see the shifts that happen in your life.
Second is the Law of Vibration. Now this is where exactly it gets tricky, questions like “if I’m having negative thoughts am I sending out negative vibes” honestly it’s impossible to stay positive 24/7, hence acceptance of even that vibration be it shame and guilt etc
Will just help you raise your vibe, so it’s okay to feel what you feel just understanding that you are not your emotions and you are not your thoughts will help you focus more on vibration it’s like being able to play with that awareness in the mind and tune into it
Emotion is energy in motion, so accepting the emotion will help the energy to move and hence releasing is always recommended before manifesting absolutely anything. This helps you create space and makes letting go a beautiful process. Letting go is just acceptance
Letting go ISNT deleting the memory, it is not having a REACTION to it but knowing it doesn’t deserve your response either (if you have issues then please do seek professional help).
Moving on to Law of action. Now first of all we love visualising and stuff but you LIVE ON EARTH. Things work differently here, you need to speak, walk and do things in order to make things work. You placed the order on the universe website for your manifestation, but when it
Was here, you didn’t open the door and hence you never received the order. The letting go will help you make that space and move into allowance, doing something you love once a day will sharpen your awareness and will help you be back in the now. Even the huge manifestations
Have micro manifestations, learn to recognise using your awareness (hence we meditate to sharpen our awareness and bring it into the now) and take action when needed but not always. Signs also don’t mean anything if you are not doing anything about it.
The next law is The law of correspondence. Every action we make is reflected in our external world as well as internal. We are aware of how the planets have an effect on us, because again we are the universe. (divine law of oneness), the As above so below, as within so without
So connecting with our inner universe will help us navigate in the external, it will be more responses and you will eventually learn to witness things which will make it easy to accept situations that aren’t in your control cause the only thing you can control is yourself
You are the creator but not THE CREATOR. You can create your internal reality and the external will shift accordingly but for that the connection should be honoured with yourself first. The soul will witness and the ego will react. Becoming more soul will help you go with the
Flow of the universe and make manifestation so effortless cause you know if you can see it in your mind’s eye it will happen, it’s again the trust in you and honouring and accepting who you are and how you are.
The next law is the Law of Cause and Effect. Every action has a reaction. Learn to perform every action without expecting it back, doing everything from a place of purpose and still using discernment by following your intuition will help understand what response is appropriate
Doing something for someone unknowingly, not keeping a track record for it will come back in ways you have never even imagined. Helping your friend manifest that love of their life will also help you manifest yours because you did it for someone from a place of love for them
The next is the Law of compensation. This is in a way mixed with alchemy, if someone comes to you and gives you money you are happy but if they come and tell you awful things you become angry. Learning to respond is again important in this situation. Universe will always
Compensate with you in one way or another so be mindful of every action you do or create cause it does have a ripple effect.
Next law is the Law of Attraction. Wilder says “this is the law of vibration in action” so in order to set intention you must first get the emotion high and then think about it with focus and that is intention, if you just witness your mind and emotions you will only attract
What you focus on. If you don’t focus on it it’s not gonna happen. Don’t confuse this with Karma. These two are separate. Learning to witness will help with manifestations and speed them up to another level.
Next is Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy. We have the power to change the conditions of our lives but learning to shift our energies (awareness) and being able to tune into the frequency that we like. The control is again in your hands so you can bring love into a
Situation with acceptance and watch how the whole situation takes a turn and turns into something you’d want. Allow acceptance to slip in.
Next is Law of Relativity. Everything has an opposite, we live in a world of Duality so there is good and bad, but this good and bad is decided upon how we perceive it, so again it does exist to a certain extent (we live in 3D) we can’t be grateful if we’ve never
Experienced losses, we don’t appreciate love if we’ve not been heartbroken etc so it’s again you are not attracting low vibes, we live in a world of duality and when you become the light you attract light as well as darkness too which happens on its own. It’s about what you allow
And yes a simple no also does the work.
Merging this law with the Law of Polarity and Law of Rhythm is that we all have ups and down, higher the highs lower the lows, if your life is stagnant then you are not alive. Hence when we learn to accept and appreciate where we are
Acceptance is again super easy and natural. You could go through the worst challenges and realise that in reality wasn’t even hard after it’s done. Universe will never give you something you can’t handle and if you can’t it’ll send someone to guide and help you.
All energy vibrates at a certain speed and rhythm sometimes it’s up sometimes it’s down, even moon itself has cycles, we all go through cycles just to get more in tuned with what we really are. Every experience that is meant to actually break is is the experience that
Is something that you will come out of and who knows inspire people and help them get out of it too. You go through then grow through it. The last law is the Law of Gender. According to the universal law, everything is balanced in masculine (giving) and feminine (receiving)
Once you learn to balance your internal yin and yang you have already mastered 99% of your manifestations cause you are giving without expecting and receiving it with grace and kindness knowing you deserve it. Hence inner child healing definitely helps with manifestations
That’s the end of the thread I hope you found this useful and happy manifesting!
You can follow @sunshinebria.
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