My main immediate reflection - as someone who runs a social business that straddles the business & social change worlds - is that the gap between business orthodoxies & the beliefs of people who recognise the urgency to act on climate - is still terrifyingly wide.
I think that’s why I found the Climate Jury such a refreshing approach - citizens engaging at a deeper level with the issues we face.
Other reflections - this is why we need strategies & investment - a Green New Deal or whatever - and better stories/visions of a different future. Without them it’s really hard to counter the “well this is how jobs are created, and we can all agree we need more jobs” arguments.
Got me thinking again too about this year's Reith lectures - value & values. And the book he cited as inspiration for his lectures - @MazzucatoM - The Value of Everything. Why have financial values come to be considered more valuable than human ones?
One of the main things I'll do now is to continue to improve my knowledge of economics - starting with @MazzucatoM other 2 books. The champions of business as usual growth have all their arguments ready on jobs, connectivity etc. If we disagree, we need to share better ideas.
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