I wasn't going to speak out, but the fact that this is all resurfacing AGAIN makes me want to. Hi, I'm Bela. I used to be a close friend of Tyler's. Our friend group would hang out in Discord calls almost every night, we would be in call with each other during streams,
(Any of the clips from his streams that I was in seem to have been removed from his Twitch), we had MULTIPLE snapchat group chats, and even multiple personal Discord servers. I don't even know where to start with all of this, but PLEASE listen to what I have to say.
When I met Tyler (July 2019), I was very depressed and looking for a friend. I came across his twitter and instantly followed because of the encouragement and support that he posted and the positivity that he seemed to radiate and he was very interactive with his followers.
A few days and minor interactions later, he tweeted about his friend streaming on twitch, so I stopped in and showed a bit of support. I really liked that me showing support seemed to boost his friend's morale a bit so I kept tuning in to his streams.
(Said friend will remain unnamed, as will the rest of the people mentioned as this is a thread about Tyler himself.)

The more streams I viewed, the closer I got to the group as a whole. I made the first twitch emotes for his friend and eventually got invited to his Discord.
From there, I quickly got very close to the friend group and was accepted as part of the "Motley Crew" as they named themselves. Not long after I became friends with them, Tyler had accusations made against him (August 2019) and admittedly, I defended him vehemently.
The accusations back then were very similar to the ones being made now. At the time, I didn't know anything about his romantic life because I simply didn't think it was any of my buisness, but there were many "rumors" that he had cheated on multiple girls and preyed on minors.
Seeing as I had come to really look up to him, I didn't want to believe any of what was being said about him. The entire friend group immediately banded together to try to shut down what we believed to be lies. In the midst of all that drama, I had suffered a personal loss.
Thus, I went MIA from group chats and socials in general (October 2019). When I came back later that month, I was surprised to find that there was a huge rift between Tyler and his friend that streamed. Said rift was caused by a number of factors including the accusations.
I didn't want to "pick a side" at first because they were both my friends. But after a particularly abrasive conversation with the other friend, I had wholeheartedly taken Tyler's side. I didn't want to believe that Tyler was capable of such terrible things.
The two of them divided the friend group in half and everyone had their own story and their own reason for who they defended. Basically, the "Motley Crew" split up. By this time, Tyler had already introduced his then girlfriend to the group and we all loved her.
They seemed to be amazing together and when Tyler's ex spoke out against him at the time, he told us all that she was bat shit crazy and delusional. He told us that she was just trying to cancel him and that any evidence or screenshots she had was faked and photoshopped.
Obviously, we all believed him. This went on for a solid few weeks until he filed a restraining order against said ex AND ex best friend so they would stop posting about him online. Things went quiet for a few days because of this and we all made fun of them behind the scenes.
When said ex revealed that he had filed against her, he claimed that it violated the restraining order and had her arrested the day after Christmas 2019. At the time, all of us believed him and were just relieved to have her shut up and things go quiet.
Again, we all believed he was innocent. After she was released, things were quiet on twitter for a while but she kept posting on her Tumblr. Tyler stalked her Tumblr and took screenshots of everything she posted as "evidence" that she was still breaking the restraining order.
Going from there, every couple of months the same accusations would resurface and we would all hop on the bandwagon again and all but attack the people making said accusations. Tyler made multiple undercover alt accounts to defend himself and "disprove" what they were all saying.
He made an account under the name Ada (@/6death6thekid6 has long since been deactivated) and started posting to defend himself while pretending to be just a fan of his. How do I know that account was his? He told me. He told the entire friend group.
"Ada" attacked people who opposed Tyler in any way and even tried to go after Tyler's ex best friend and his girlfriend. In the meantime, Tyler was planning to make matching alt accounts with his then girlfriend called @/PlaguePapa and @/PlagueMama (now deactivated)
He also made an alt @/DoomDad (from which I am now blocked). During this time, He wasn't just being abusive and manipulative online. Oh, no, He was also hooking up with girls behind his girlfriends back IN THE HOUSE THEY RENTED TOGETHER while she was out of town.
At least one girl that we know of and the kicker is that girl TOLD his then girlfriend because she felt guilty that Tyler lied to her and then Tyler manipulated this poor girl (of unknown age) into blocking said girlfriend so that he could lie to her and try to cover his own ass.
Meanwhile, "Ada" had come under fire for attacking the people making accusations. When people started catching on and thinking that the "Ada" account was actually Tyler himself (to which they were absolutely correct), suddenly "Ada" deactivated her account.
This, of course, only made people more suspicious of him. Now, I DID say that I was previously aware that "Ada" was actually Tyler. I followed that account and saw everything going on and how he was attacking everyone and was genuinely getting worried at that point.
I knew what he was doing was VERY wrong and when shit hit the fan with "Ada", I finally confronted him about it. The only platform he would respond to me on was Snapchat and, stupidly enough, I went with it. The conversation went really odd from there.
He refused to use the texting feature (as I assume he was scared that I would get cohesive screenshots if he did) and only replied with walls of text on a black-background picture. I asked him if all the stuff about "Ada" was true, even though I already knew it was.
I asked as a courtesy to give him a chance to simply tell the truth even though I already knew that every bit of the accusations being made involving him and "Ada" were true because, again, he told us that "Ada" was actually him. Foolish mistake on his part.
He lied to me (big surprise there) and told me that these people had been targeting him for a year and just wanted to "cancel" him by any means they could. I told him that I knew he was lying because I had seen the tweets myself as everything was unfolding.
And that I knew the screenshots were real. I asked him why he would lie to me. Seeing his response is when I knew that becoming his friend is one of the biggest mistakes I'd ever made. He avoided my question and told me that these people had been after him for over a year
and made him want to kill himself. He tried to feed me a sob story to get himself out of trouble. I simply asked him to tell the truth, I told him I didn't want any drama and that I needed to know if my trust was misplaced.
I told him that I had defended him to the detriment of my own mental health before and that I would absolutely do it again if need be. He told me that I needed to stay away from him for the sake of my mental health and that I was better off without him.
This happened on August 17-18, 2020. Does that sound manipulative to you? Because it certainly does to me. I told some others in the group about this concerning conversation and one of them in particular chose to turn a blind eye to it and shrug it off.
(I assume he is still very close to Tyler seeing as He's blocked me as has every other person still in that friend group.) Less than a week later, Hurricane Laura decimated my home town (August 26, 2020) and I had to stay in Texas for 2 months while damages were being assessed
and repairs made. During this time, every single other person in the friend group had been checking up on me and making sure my family and I were safe EXCEPT TYLER. 2 weeks post-Laura, Tyler sent a video to the snapchat group replying to something absurd and the last 4 seconds,
He simply said "Oh and Bela, that really sucks, I'm sorry." In the most dismissive tone I think I'd ever heard him use. Mid-September, I got a call from his then girlfriend and immediately answered. Whatever Tyler had said or done to me was not her fault, she was still a friend.
That's when she told me about him cheating on her and that she drove all the way across the country to take her belongings out of their house and break up with him in person. She told me that the only reason he said anything to me about the hurricane was because she told him
that he needed to check up on me. If that's his idea of "checking up" on someone, I'm glad I'm not his friend anymore. She told me everything I had been wondering about and confirmed what I had suspicions of.
From then, I un-friended and blocked him on every platform I could think of. Knowing that he still has a group of people to manipulate and convinces them that they're "friends" is sickening to me. It makes me feel so sorry for everyone around him.
I spent a year around him, in the spaces he felt safe to state his mind. I saw the behind-the-scenes of what went on. Unfortunately, I ignored the red flags because I wanted to believe the best in him. There is no best. Tyler Healy is an abuser.
You can follow @OhNoItsBela.
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