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Kitty Genovese's murder & the bs narrative that came from it. The homophobic New York Times piece that became canon erased her being a lesbian, & that the neighbor who gave the famous quote was openly gay AND SCARED TO CALL THE POLICE
That's an oversimplification; the story that's been unearthed through research and documentaries (one by her own grieving brother) is incredibly layered and completely contradicts the popular folklore that's so deep it's become the basis for whole college courses
Yes, the Bystander Effect is a real thing. But the phenomenon that actually sealed her tragic fate can be summed up thusly: Fuck the police. ACAB. The NYT chose to spin a tale of hero cops who would've saved the day if only those nasty city people weren't such soulless vipers
By the way that guy whose (partial) quote "I didn't want to get involved" would live in infamy frantically called a friend for help and eventually climbed out his own window and across the roof to another neighbor's apt, someone who felt safer to call the police
Yes, ppl called the police. People cared. A neighbor ran to Kitty and held her in her arms as she died. And the ghoulish picture that the Times went on to paint was of people either passing by their windows and not giving a shit or popping popcorn to settle in and watch a murder
Along w/ ACAB, it's also a testament to pure homophobia. The NYT erases her identity as a lesbian who leaves behind a loving partner b/c "objectionable content," while behind the scenes her girlfriend is the #1 suspect even though ppl saw a man flee, because DEVIANT BEHAVIOR
They're grilling this poor woman who wasn't even there,and who's just lost her partner, when...isn't the premise of this whole thing that ppl observed parts of the attack? So witnesses describe the (black male) suspect & instead you're relentlessly going after the Big Bad Lesbian
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