Peter Soeller ( @Marusya_1312) is a white man pretending to be a WOC online. They have begun to target and attack black leftists as part of some multi-year online brand they've built on feuding with leftists. You can google all of their bizarre attacks. Just an FYI.
I have reason to suspect he is related to an infamous Nazi.
There's Victor on trial, and another possible relative.
I asked Peter about his family's involvement in the Nazi party and he either avoided the questions or answered them dishonestly. He says his family left Germany in the 50's but somehow none were old enough to join the party? He deleted that tweet when I said it didn't make sense.
He claims his family has never talked about it. Imagine pretending to dedicate your life to anti-fascism (by posting angry screeds at black leftists) but never even interrogating your own family's history.
Here's a link to his previous gimmick where he made false attacks on popular leftists to build his profile. He even posted false info about leftists fed to him by the right. 
Relevant update:
For clarity, the original post where this descendent of Nazis called me a Black Nazi. He deleted, claiming that he feared harassment.
Here's the false info he was fed by the right to post about a Jewish leftist. The family is consistent in their political targets.
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