Not every day that the work you do gets a mention in the UK House of Commons. @CSkidmoreUK arguing for legislation banning provision of #contractcheating services gives our "Courageous Conversations" a tip of the hat.
This piece of work, conceived by @DreadLWRoberts, avoids treating students akin to criminals, and instead seeks to acknowledge that young people make mistakes and that university is a time of learning, not crime and punishment (unless they are studying Dostoyevsky)
We understand that the array of pressures students face each day can lead to poor decision making. Courageous Conversations try to speak to the part of each student that knows that what they may have done is wrong, but encourages them to take steps to regain their integrity.
These conversations have been remarkably successful, with students much more likely than not to admit to their mistakes. The benefits are many-less traumatic for students, less drawn out process for both students and staff, an abundance of "teaching moments". I could go on.
If you think a less punitive approach to academic conduct and integrity might be something your students and your university could benefit from, feel free to take a look here ( or reach out- I'm happy to offer whatever advice and guidance I can.
You can follow @CC___Raider.
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