Finally finished the first half. There was just so many fun things to see that I kept rewinding. What will follow are some general, random thoughts in no particular order.
First, I know people don't like the refs deciding things, but I didn't see a single big call that was "wrong" in the firsf half. I saw on showtime they tried to say Matheiu just "stood his ground" vs Evans on the swam route when EZ shows 32 started off beside the hash and ended
Five yards wider after he chucked Evans who was trying to avoid him outside. Again, I get the ref bashing is easy but cut the shit. If anything they definitely swallowed their whistles on holding calls up front for KC.
By the end of the first half it was actually kind of funny watching KC do all this motion on offense and the Bucs were showing zone so basically nobody was even moving much in reaction to it. Just a great great game plan by Bowles.
Also people who say the Chiefs should have helped their tackles, I have bad news for you. They tried. Even with RBs and TEs chipping the OL just couldn't block the Bucs up front.
Also, Mahomes is a friggin magician the way he avoided like immediately pressure repeatedly. I still don't know how he got away from Barrett one time when Barrett came inside right away on a pass rush game and got a clean win on the RT. Somehow Mahomes dropped back like 20 yds
And was still able to get the ball off throwing under duress and get it to the line of scrimmage. You can say Mahomes had a bad game, but he saved so many plays that could have been so much worse. Seriously.
The Bucs got lucky a few times when they only rushed four with no games up front because like I said Mahomes is just a savant at sliding around the pocket and buying time. I still think Tampa wins but some of those KC drops...
Wirfs is a grown ass man already. I was high on him coming out but talk about a guy not letting the bright lights get to him. He was kicking ass in the first half.
Bucs being able to run the ball and sticking with the run really opened things up. Had KC so off kilter they stopped blitzing for awhile. And then Brady started eating their lunch. Motion and shifts helped force KC to declare their intention a lot pre snap and Brady capitalized.
Oh also I saw someone on here who was ragging on Chris Jones because of rhe stat sheet. Yeah, don't do that. First he had some tackles that evidently didn't make it to the stat sheet including one one the GL that was almost surely a TD otherwise. Also had some pressure too.
As I predicted before the game Jones gave Bucs RG Stinnie fits but sometimes it just didnt register as a stat. He also had a tipped pass that would've been a big int by Honey Badger had it not been called back because the corner held Evans. So yeah the film says he did his thing
Want to give a shout out to Tampa defense hustling too. Man them cats gave me flashbacks watching them fly to the football. Made a big difference on some shorter open field catches too.
I swear even though Vea wasn't playing on early downs at first. Whenever they tried to run with jim in there later he seemed to end up on the tackle. At the same time Suh had a helluva game against the run and pass too.
Also as for Mahomes, you are welcome to try to find some open receivers he missed, but I couldn't find really any. Especially with the duress he was under. Sometimes you eat the bear sometimes the bear eats you 🤷🏾‍♂️
Im up super early, not really by choice, but since Im here I might as well live tweet the third quarter. Mute as necessary.
First play motion Kelce in from wide. Bucs show single high. Chiefs run counter with 25 for about 25 yds. Vea not in to start this half, either.
So Chiefs run on two out of the first three plays out of halftime. First nets over 20 yards, second gets about 10 after 25 made 58 miss in the backfield. Smart against Bucs zone looks.
KC runs it again on the 4th play for 3 yards by 31.
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