1) When people argue against single family zoning, I think about how much art and music was created because of the existence of single homes. In the midwest every 10 houses has a basement band rehearsal space. The entire punk scene thrived on house shows for decades...
2) FUNK came into existence because a black middle class settled in Detroit and bought houses, and the children started forming bands.
3) When you read about Prince's history in Minnesota there's lots of stories and photos of his various high school bands practicing in basements. Minneapolis recently eliminated SFZ in most of the city including the North side where Prince & others invented the Minneapolis sound.
4) Metallica famously rented their own house in Richmond, doing what many bands before and since have done.
5) I don't have a fully resolved thought about this, but if we decide that cities are now going just be small apartments what happens to art and music? San Francisco now has next to no venues for working class touring musicians. And I can think of 3 rehearsal studios...
6) My current rehearsal studio in the Tenderloin is being eyed for condos. If I lose that, I don't know what the fuck I'm going to do. I can't rehearse in my tiny SRO space. Nor could I have rehearsed in any previous apartment I ever had in SF...
7) I think about all the warehouses and house shows, and galleries where I've seen life changing music and performance art over the years... 95% of it is all gone in San Francisco. Even in Oakland it's gone.
8) @MattHaneySF has put forth legislation recently to help official venues survive COVID times. Obviously it's a good thing, but music and art scenes are eco-systems. If there's no very affordable art studios or rehearsal spaces, or underground venues and galleries...
9)...then the city is not going to have a thriving arts scene...
10)...If I keep going here I will start talking about Ghost Ship, and I don't want to go there right now. Suffice to say, a city is more than 'work and home'. Do we even dare dream that San Francisco can regain to any significant degrees what it has lost?
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