Topic: Today's Distrust in Big Tech is Healthy
Pro: @paulohm and Deven Desai
Con: @JaneYakowitz and Siona Listokin

I will try to restrain myself from most commentary because I am of the opinion that that we actually don't distrust Big Tech ENOUGH, so...

Ok, I lied, already.

Using tech does not mean we TRUST tech, it means it's a necessity. I literally cannot have a job without using tech (even low-tech jobs require you being accessible via phone, etc.).

Two key points by @paulohm :
- Mistrust of Big Tech is warranted
- Mistrust is necessary to pressure Big Tech to improve their practices

...I'm a privacy lawyer. You are 100% not going to tell me that mistrust of Big Tech is unjustified or overblown.

If anything it is much much worse than people know.

You can't argue that platforms aren't powerful because tests show that predicted/targeted ads aren't actually that effective AND THEN ALSO say targeted/behavioral advertising is fine because it works! If it doesn't work, they shouldn't collect all that data!

Desai makes a great argument re: Big Tech in saying that the argument for innovation or disruptive tech does not apply to the big, established companies. They want things to stay the same because that's how they keep their monopolies and make their money.

He used to work for Google and is TELLING US that the Silicon Valley show was too accurate.

We have GOOD REASON not to trust these companies - we know who is behind them.

Argument that mistrust is not healthy:
- Mistrust makes us myopic
- Mistrust is counterproductive

...yeah, the argument that there is still innovation because self-driving cars will be a thing soon is not that convincing when the jury is still EXTREMELY out on whether that will ultimately be a good or bad innovation.

"The rise in mistrust is not because we're suddenly more awake to privacy issues."

THIS IS A PERSONAL ATTACK, HOW DARE YOU (also, I very much disagree).

I know this is a debate for entertainment as well as discussion, but I can't tell you how much I wish we could cite-check speakers because there have been A LOT OF CLAIMS that are absolutely refuted by studies and facts here.

Mistrust does not "cloud the mind"! It ensures you're starting your approach from a healthy and more accurate baseline - making a company prove you CAN trust them results in less harm than using them until they prove you CAN'T.

What possible bigger questions are there in a debate about mistrust of Big Tech than "should we trust Big Tech"???

Calling Shoshana Zuboff's discussion of Google and Facebook tracking and categorizing and trying to manipulate people a "conspiracy theory" because they may not be SUCCESSFUL in manipulating people is SURE A TAKE.

...I genuinely have no idea what the con side is arguing. What mistrust means has changed multiple times for them, they're now arguing that mistrust is based on emotions and not facts...I can't.

Without distrust of current systems, we become complacent and there will be no changes or improvements because Big Tech has no motivation to change. - @paulohm

Con side doesn't like "fostering this level of mistrust and letting it grow," but it's grown BECAUSE Big Tech keeps supplying reasons not to trust them! There are not agents fomenting distrust - we don't trust Big Tech because they've proven untrustworthy.

...they just argued this could lead to a U.S. GDPR, which would be bad.

Why. Why would that be bad.

They just asked whether it's healthy for people to mistrust Big Pharma as a comparison.

They are REGULATED and have to meet requirements and standards! THESE ARE NOT THE SAME.

Also, just to make sure everyone stays civil, you should know that these debates are a fun part of this annual conference and that people often argue sides they do not actually believe in real life, so don't go being jerks to the "con" side of things.
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