If you'd done even the most basic research Julia, which clearly you haven't, you'd understand that the "important work" you mention has, throughout Ngo's "career", been a series of lies with intent and misrepresentations of fact, and that Andy associates with literal fascists. FU https://twitter.com/JuliaHB1/status/1359887574760906757
The article above also mentions that he'd discussed a similar relationship with the Proud Boys (the attack that Patriot Prayer planned left a woman with a fractured vertebrae).

Or the time that he helped amplify the disinformation campaign of a far-right troll who'd made
false connections between "Antifa", an imaginary organisation, and certain journalists, which then resulted in the neo-nazi group Atomwaffen Division (responsible for at least 5 murders) creating a kill list and issuing threats against said journos. https://www.emilygorcenski.com/post/andy-ngo-and-the-atomwaffen-kill-list/
Or the time that Andy lied on twitter about "Antifa" attacking him and others with a hammer, when in actual fact the others he was in the company of were American Guard (you guessed it) a far right group, who brought the hammers and started the attack. https://twitter.com/RespectableLaw/status/1162972206147743744?s=19
He's targeted members of CAIR Oregon, calling them terrorists and resulting in them receiving death threats.

The instances of targeted harassment of journalists by his followers on his behalf are almost too numerous to list, there's plenty, he also re-edits footage misleadingly.
There's a really good thread here about that:

He also lied about the Drayton mass shooter being an "Antifa activist", another baseless claim.

He lied about people mixing cement with milkshake that was thrown at him. Pure fantasy.
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