A calm mind is a powerful mind.

But how can a calm mind be achieved?

Within this thread I will share with you my personal strategies to achieve a calm mind.

I can guarantee that if you practice these strategies for +2 months, your reality, mood and perspective will change.

Train yourself to control your emotions and use logic instead.
1. Meditation

This one is essential.

When you meditate, you organize your thoughts, you get clarity in your life.

It helps reduce stress and develop increased focus. If you're not meditating, you're missing out.

Tip: Avoid taking cheap dopamine hits before doing it.*
2. Enjoy nature

No electronics, no devices, preferably if you are alone, go outside and take some sun while taking a walk.

Just you, your thoughts, and nature. It lowers your blood pressure and reduces the stress, just by being outside.

Nature itself brings you peace.
3. Classic music

Search for instrumental music, with no singers, just hear the melody.

It helps to decrease your heart rate and anxiety. You'll never regret listening to classic music.

It was made for produce calmness and relaxation. Just enjoy.
4. Work out

Start lifting weights, go to the gym or stay at home, the important thing is that while you exercise, you organize your mind.

Exercising is great for bringing calm, but it also has 100s of other benefits.

Exercise, it will improve your quality of thinking and life.
5. Write & read

"When you're overthinking, write.

When you're underthinking, read"

~ @wiseconnector

Writing helps you organize your thoughts, reading helps you improve your thoughts.

Calmness is when you are in total control of your thoughts.
It is not hard, but it takes time to get better at it.

If you want to get a calm state of mind, then:

- Meditate
- Work out
- Enjoy nature
- Write & read
- Listen to classic music
Thank you for reading!

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How do you achieve calmness? Let me know in the comments!
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