I'm eligible for the vaccine in NYC on Feb 15! This is great, but how to get one? In this thread, my NYC vaccine guide:
Governor Cuomo announced that New Yorkers under 65 w/ certain co-morbid conditions are eligible on Feb 15. Here's the full list of qualifying conditions: https://twitter.com/MarkLevineNYC/status/1358508583198089216
NY State-run websites will open on _Sunday morning_ for people in that under 65 group to register:
The NYC-run distribution effort is VAX4NYC. (note: free transport to/from your appt may be available if you call them @ 877-VAX4NYC)
NYC runs an aggregator of their own, Vaccine Finder, that tracks many independent and local options for getting it. https://vaccinefinder.nyc.gov/ 
What's the best option? Probably NYS-run sites. NYS has more doses and more appts than local sites. For ex:
- Yankee Stadium (run by NYS): ~10k doses /day
- Citi Field (run by NYC): ~200 doses / day
As a result, I predict NYC will delay allowing the new group to preserve their more limited supply for earlier groups.

tl;dr I'll be on the NYS site first thing Sunday morning.
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