I'm a longtime filibuster hater, and I thought I understood how random, contingent, & ridiculous it is -- but even I underestimated. HIGHLY recommend this discussion b/t @chrislhayes & @AJentleson.
The Founders were intensely aware of the difference between majority & super-majority rule & very consciously did NOT choose the latter for the Senate. The filibuster was literally created by accident. It is a random historical quirk that is destroying this country.
And I would say that, to a first approximation, 100% of filibuster defenders are operating in bad faith -- defending it because it produces outcomes they support, not because it makes any f'ing sense or has any connection to the Founders' intent.
It's sad enough that this once-promising democracy is falling apart before our eyes, but ... it's falling apart for such stupid, stupid reasons. "We can't address urgent national problems, because Senate bylaws. The parliamentarian wouldn't like it. Oh well."
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