#100DaysOfGenocide. We ask that you hear us, that you protect our people — for many of us, we ask you as #Tigrayans but also as #Americans.

Today’s protest in New York. @SecBlinken @SamanthaJPower @LindaT_G @USUN @jaketapper
Time and time again, we say “Never Again.” Let’s stay true to these words and act now to stop #TigrayGenocide.

We’re officially 100 days in, and Tigray can’t wait. #100DaysOfGenocide
“The Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion, which reputedly houses the ark – a casket of gilded wood containing stone tablets inscribed with the Ten Commandments, according to the Bible – was the scene of a recent massacre of 750 people.” — reports shared.

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