I’ve given a lot of thought to what could possibly compel GOP Senators to vote for Trump’s acquittal after everything we’ve all seen. It seemed preposterous that any adult of ordinary intellect & insight could approve or sanction Trump’s conduct & its horrific result.
I finally had an idea.
Remember when you were a teenager?
Remember wanting to do something your parent wouldn’t let you do?
Most of us didn’t just mindlessly climb out the window & do it anyway.
We thought up reasons why we OUGHT TO climb out the window & do it anyway.
“Mom’s living in the dark ages.”
“Dad thinks I’m stupid. I’ll show him!”
“Annabelle’s mother lets her do it.”
“That Saxophone player is nice guy. He’s just misunderstood.”

In other words, we rationalized our behavior. We thought up reasons to justify what we wanted to do

I think that’s what most members of the GOP Senate is doing.

For the most part, they aren’t stupid or insane. They know that guy waiting for them to sneak out the (metaphorical) window is really bad news. They don’t even like him.

But if they don’t keep hanging out with him
...they think his many bratty followers will gang up on them & make their lives hell.

They’ll get “primaried.” (Which is like the DC equivalent of sitting alone at lunch with spitballs.)

They’ll get called a RINO. (The GOP equivalent of having cooties.)

So they’ll go ...
... along. Even if they feel wretched about it. They’ll think up reasons to do what they think they must, even if they know in their heart it’s a bad idea.

(Just like we really knew what that saxophone player had in mind wasn’t a good idea way back when.)


...what do we do?

How do we, as Democrats, give the salvageable members of the GOP a reason to honor their inner adult? Which is really about their inner integrity.

How do we do that?

What are your ideas?

You can follow @catherineecull1.
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