I’ve just listened to @RobertJenrick on @BBCPM explain why it has taken so long to take this level of action on #CladdingScandal. It took @natfednews 3 days after Grenfell to suggest government should pay upfront then lead on holding those responsible to account. 1/
It was obvious we were heading for years of argument about who was responsible and who should pay as the insurers ran for the hills. Manufacturers had sold fire hazards, contractors had cut corners to enhance their profits 2/
The coalition government had gloried in ‘cutting red tape’ at the clear risk to safety. Building regs widely worked around, LA building control cut to the bone as the pursuit of profit ran rings round safety and high standards 3/
Government then was panicked into inaction as they believed any action on their part would imply that they were complicit in this mess. They were. If safety had been the first consideration, the work would have been done by now 4/
Let’s now do the right thing. Govt cover the cost now then take the lead in chasing the manufacturers and contractors whose corner cutting and shoddy work have caused all this.
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