I think the thing I hate the most with mainstream companies being like "we have an <insert queer/alternative community thing> line of shit you can buy!" is that there's generally zero research on what that means, but full intent on profiting off it anyway. https://twitter.com/lubchansky/status/1359612518801547267
You see it a lot in alternative fashion. Mainstream brands throwing a bunch of ragged jeans out there and saying "get you the ~alternative aesthetic~"

The problem, of course, is that there's no such thing. Alternative fashion is about breaking the norm and expressing yourself.
You can't really "mass-produce" self expression. That's not how it works. What you can do is mass produce things with certain themes and let people reinterpret that in their own terms. Alternative fashion is a lot about this. E.g.: https://medium.com/@TokyoFashion/genderless-kei-japan-s-hot-new-fashion-trend-9e25a2c559c6
Everyone will interpret it slightly different (which is actually good). If you look at that article, even though the fashion is called "genderless style", each individual has their own interpretation of what they want to express. They may not even claim such label.
So there's no "agender/nonbinary fashion" as much as there isn't an "alternative aesthetics". You can point to individuals who label themselves as alternative or agender/nonbinary as examples of fashion in the community, but you can't prescribe or generalise that.
TL;DR: mainstream companies really oughta do with this eye-rolling bullshit :)
Also wanted to add: "agender people don't dress this bland" isn't the take you want to make either.

Agender people dress however they fucking please. Some agender people will be very happy with comfy, baggy clothing in earthly tones. Some won't. Clothes have no gender.
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