The disaster curses better known as the "Cursed Family" made their mark on the first stage of Jujutsu Kaisen. There is an abundance of details that stood out in defining these characters allowing us as readers to appreciate them.
Mahito, Jogo, Hanami, and Dagon seemed to all have their various roles in this group. They depended on each other, respected each other, and understood their roles as curses.
Mahito being appointed leader with Jogo, Hanami, and Dagon who followed Mahito. This dynamic to me is sort of like a prince with his three knights. All having their own personality as well as strengths and weaknesses. I'll focus on the "knights" in this thread.
Jogo was interesting from the start. He was someone who expressed their pride as a curse above all else. Recognizing his duty, doing whatever is necessary within his prideful path as a curse, and having a strong sense of themself.
Jogo's pride as a curse defines him. This holds true when we see Jogo express an emotion so pure that it conceptually contradicts the negativity that he was created from. He questioned the phenomenon that he was experiencing despite him having believed he understood himself.
His idea of being a true human is unique. Humans have both positive and negative emotions. Even if humans express positive emotion there is always a negative emotion that can be connected to it. To Jogo that is contradictory.
Curses are created from Pure negative emotion. There is no "flip side" He believes they are the purest form of humanity. Poetically, at the end of his time, he felt that "flip side" an emotion that contradicted himself.
Jogo gave us a lot of the best moments in the series. His presence was apparent and his strength is established. To me, he is the strongest knight in the Cursed Family. The one who represented pride.
Next is Hanami. Hanami was a very "creepy" figure within this group. You didn't really understand his place until later in the story, but when fleshed out, he was definitely a significant piece to this group.
Hanami felt different from the other curses in the family. He seemed to resist his curse instincts. He was the protector within the group, a shield. He had a very tame approach to things as opposed to the other disaster curses.
Hanami being an amalgamation of negativity directed towards the forest represents his nature. Trees are symbols of life in many of the world's mythologies and philosophical traditions. They stand as a habitat to many species and are an important resource for sustainable living.
Hanami later was able to obtain a better sense of himself while fighting. It's very nice in Jujutsu Kaisen where Gege gives both sides, antagonist or protagonist, avenues to grow and get stronger and Hanami is an example of this.
He embraced his instincts and what he is despite resisting it before. The thrill of a fight gave Hanami that breakthrough to see the path a curse takes. Mahito was like a mentor for him. Poetically, Mahito who is a true curse pushed Hanami to accept his true nature
Next is Dagon. Dagon was believed to be this "playful" figure within the Cursed Family, appearing only a few times in the background. You didn't really expect much from him or for him to be significant in any way.
Dagon in just a few chapters was able to leave his mark as an important piece within this group. Dagon was the curse who had a strong appreciation for Identity within the cursed family.
Dagon's anger when Naobito didn't identify/name his fellow knights properly shows that he takes respecting one's Identity very seriously. Coincidentally there is a detail in his Domain Expansion "Horizon of the Captivating Skandha" worth noting. ---
A "Skandha" refers to the five aggregates of clinging. They are also explained as the five factors that constitute and explain a sentient being’s person and personality. Consciousness, which is the center of this. is what distinguishes "self" or identity.
I wanted to talk about Mahito but I feel as if many appreciate and understand Mahito's purpose in the story. I like to call him the Prince of curses myself. Here is a thread/post that analyzes Mahito's character very well imo by @Dan_Hideout
The three knights of the cursed family were very likable characters at least for me. There is a lot of depth to them that I believe is missed when they are talked about. Nevertheless, they gave us very iconic moments that we will never forget as consumers of this story.
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