Here's what I would do if I was just starting out my web development journey today:

1. Start by watching @traversymedia 's Practical Guide to Web Development in 2021:

You don't need to understand everything, but it's a great overview of the landscape and different technologies you might encounter.
2. Dive deeper into HTML and CSS. This course will teach you what you need to know, and you'll be learning by practicing and actually building simple websites:
3. Add JavaScript. At this point you should be familiar with the building blocks of websites. Now you need to add functionality with JS. I recommend this Beginner JavaScript course by Wes Bos: 

It'll teach you all the basics of JS and manipulating the DOM
4. This is where you'll have to make a choice. If you like HTML/CSS and JS so far, I recommend taking  to really level up your frontend skills.

If you're more into the logic/programming nature and less so the HTML/CSS, you can try out a different language
5. Play around with a backend language like PHP, Ruby or Python. These languages are heavily used to create API's and functionality, so if you weren't too keen on frontend development, it might be better for you to focus on one of these.
6. Alternatively, you can use JS for backend development using NodeJS. This is great since you're familiar with JS from earlier, and it'll be useful if you want to transition into full-stack development later on (as JS is also useful on the frontend)
7. Now that you're familiar with the basic concepts of front- and backend development, it's time to pick a framework.

Front-end: Vue, React, Svelte (JS)
Back-end: Laravel (PHP), Ruby on Rails (Ruby), Django (Python)

Lots of awesome Youtube courses, so pick any you like đź‘Ť

The most important part of becoming a web developer is to build projects. That's how you learn the ins- and outs of a language/framework, and how you create applications that provide value to real people.

It's also the best way to get job ready!
9. Apply for jobs. As you keep building projects and getting deeper into your language stack of choice, it's time to look for jobs.

When you've built a few projects, create a portfolio to showcase them. This will be your most valuable asset when applying!
10. The end - kind of đź‘€

There's obviously A LOT more to know about learning to code, being a good developer and landing a job. You got some skills now, but there's still ways to go.

Check out my book for further advice on your journey:

Good luck! 🔥
You can follow @madsbrodt.
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