On #WomenInScience Day, meet some of the scientists at Audubon who are working to secure the future for birds and the places they need, through programs like the Migratory Bird Initiative, Climate Watch, and the Survival by Degrees report.
As director of climate science, Dr. @BrookeLBateman's research focuses on spatial ecology & conservation, and the effect extreme weather events & climate change have on biodiversity. She enjoys hiking, drawing, & birding w/her daughter. https://bit.ly/2Z6jGYb  #WomenInScience
Dr. Jill Deppe ( @DeppeJill) is the senior director of Audubon's Migratory Bird Initiative—she leads efforts to synthesize spatial science from across the Americas and full annual cycle. She enjoys family time, gardening, and traveling. https://bit.ly/3tLn4Wm  #WomenInScience
Joanna Wu ( @joannaxwu) is an avian ecologist—she does data & GIS analysis, project management, and management of the Important Bird Areas program. She's passionate about supporting underrepresented voices. She also enjoys running & birding. https://bit.ly/2OutLMo  #WomenInScience
Melanie A. Smith— @alaska_melanie—is program director for the Migratory Bird Conservation Platform—it helps visualize & synthesize migration patterns across the Americas to inform the conservation needs of birds. She is a birder & skijorer. https://bit.ly/3aWv0vh  #WomenInScience
As director of quantitative science, Dr. @Nicole_Michel leads a team of quantitative ecologists who use modeling to understand trends and patterns in bird abundance, occupancy, & occurrence. She enjoys traveling & her pets. https://bit.ly/3qd5WGS  #WomenInScience
Dr. @SarahPSaunders is a quantitative ecologist who primarily works on projects focused on the Great Lakes region, including modeling occupancy and abundance trends of marshbirds. She is an avid baker and loves Piping Plovers. https://bit.ly/3rGVwj6  #WomenInScience
There are many women working to make the world a better place with their contributions to science. Follow #WomenInScience to learn more about them and their work.
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