The amount of minutes on the Lakers should be worrying for LA fans who want to see them have success this season.

LeBron - 903 min, 26 gm
Schroeder - 820 min, 26 gm
AD - 706 min, 21 gm
Harrell - 655 min, 26 gm
Kuzma - 638 min, 26 gm
KCP - 557 min, 22 gm
Gasol - 504 min, 26 gm
Last year the Lakers were putting similar minutes on LeBron and AD. At the 26 game mark last season:

LeBron - 900 min, 26 gm
AD - 866 min, 25 gm

One huge difference.

# of days before LAL played 26 games:

2019-20: 53 days*
2020-21: 50 days

*had a typo on prior tweet
So if you compare apples to apples on minutes and time frame...

Total Minutes played 2020-21 after 50 days:
LeBron - 903 min, 26 gm
AD - 706 min, 21 gm

Total minutes played 2019-21 after 50 days:
LeBron - 825 min, 24 gm
AD - 791 min, 23 gm
Need I remind you that LeBron is 36.

There's a not so good precedent for LeBron running so many minutes in a compressed season. Jazz fans will remember this well ...

Karl Malone in 98-99 with the shortened lockout season.
Karl Malone's lockout season playoff numbers were the worst of his career. The Jazz barely escaped the Kings only to lose to PDX in 6.

Malone, the prior year's MVP had this stat line in the playoffs:

41 mpg, 21.8 pts, 11.3 rebounds, 4.7 assists, 42% FG%, 78% FT%, 3.6 TOV
Karl Malone played 49 regular season games that lockout season in 89 days.

1 game every 1.81 days.

LeBron will play 72 regular season games (if NBA's end date holds) in 146 days.

1 game every 2.02 days.

Counting the All-Star game that's 1 game every 2 days.
So let's just average out LeBron's projected total of minutes, at his pace he's on pace for 2,498 minutes in the span of 146 days.

When the season ended last year due to COVID the NBA had been going for a span of 141 days.

LeBron had only played a total of 2,094 minutes.
LeBron playing the same amount of minutes as last season and playing every game this season may not show up during the regular season, but the playoffs? He's trying to run the gauntlet in a more compressed time frame with the same wear and tear on his body as last season.
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