Appreciate many on the NPC & the attempt to recognize the issues facing BIPOC folks & BIPOC led organizing efforts in DSA

Still I think this statement misses some things with the abstraction 'white supremacy culture in our pratices'
DSA has a issue of routinely undermining BIPOC led organizing projects and BIPOC led internal governence proposals.

People in local or national leadership use procedure, rules or sectarian application of poltical lines inorder to undermine such work by BIPOC folks
This leads to moments where BIPOC folks get suspended for presenting proposals or 'violating communtity agrrements.'

Yet white members or BIPOC members who tow a race nuetral or class reductionist line engage in similar behaviors don't get suspended or face 'accountability'
Or BIPOC members who have to dot every i or cross every t for their proposals where as other members are not put thru as rigorous proposal process.

It's a issue of unfair application of by-laws when it comes to our decision making processes.
The unfairness is rooted in a hostility to BIPOC organizing projects in the areas of Abolition, Decolonization, reperations & anti-imperialism.

But also towards BIPOC members in general who publicly agitate against the current race nuetral and class reductionist line DSA has.
I'm all for democratic deliberation, debate and decision making within an org. But it has to be on a equitable playing field.
This means we need to have protections & and rules for BIPOC membership that ensure our various voices are heard in a majority white org that currently has a implicit race nuetral class reductionist line.
Our issues when it comes to white supremacists & anti-Blackness that undermines BIPOC organizing is not primarily due to 'practices' of misguided white & BIPOC comrades.
They are primarily political and must solved via poltical means

Changing our internal democratic decision making structures to ensure BIPOC members have equitable standing

Ending our implicit race nuetral & class reductionist line within DSA
Such changes will put us on a better path in ensuring DSA is a multi-racial org that attracts a membership that is truly reflective of the progressive, radical and revolutionary left.
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