"Why can people do well in their enemy year in numerology or astrology?" - A Thread

I often get asked the question "If George W Bush is a 1946 Dog and 2000 was his enemy Dragon year in #astrology, how did he even win the election in the 1st place? Doesn't this prove you wrong?"
This is the kind of linear thinking that gets a lot of people in trouble on their path to accepting/rejecting the importance of numerology and astrology in our lives.

You have your mathematical or law of physic hat on when looking at the evidence, which hurts you in part

Energy does not impact everyone exactly the same way or work in the way you'd like it to. Not every Horse had a miserable Rat year this year, though the majority did.

Instead many Horses got "set up" this Rat year for failure in the long-term.

Here's the thing, if Bush
understood on a deeper level that his election win in 2000 (his enemy astrological year) was not a good thing and is part of what led to him being seen as one of the worst Presidents in US history; do you think he'd do it again given the chance?

Just think about what occurred
just 8 months into his Presidency, the wars that followed, and he had two miserable economies under his reign (in 2001-2002, and again with the big crash 2007-early 2009).

So when we're talking about energy, your enemy sign either has the chance to make your life miserable as
it does for many, or it has the chance to set you up for misery down the road by giving you poisoned gifts, that in the short-term seem absolutely brilliant, and in the long run, screw you over.

This is why we advise people to lay low during an enemy year; not just because of
the potential immediate, negative impacts but perhaps even more so for the fact that you're getting set up.

That beautiful woman who becomes your wife, and you end up having a rough divorce with 5 or 10 years down the road.

That great job that gives you a great pay raise that
ends ups overworking you, under appreciating you, and perhaps even spitting you out some years down the line.

That beautiful house you bought that 4 years later just can't seem to stop having all kinds of problems you constantly have to pay to fix.

That kid you had that
will end up hating you by the time they're a teenager or adult.

Energy & its timing are not about "The Apple falling to the ground every time you drop it" = The known, consistent result

It's about whether an opportunity is going to be low hanging or high hanging fruit for you
Its about whether that choice you made is going to come back to save you from something else or reap benefits on the one hand, or come back to haunt you and cause more problems in your life on the other hand.

So if you're in an enemy year and truly think you have astrology or
numerology beat, and are happy with what you've chosen to do and how things are going; I wish you the best, and yes there are always exceptions to rules (advanced numerology/astrology knowledge); but let's go ahead and check in 6-12 years down the road.

There's a very good
chance that you personally will be able to understand the problems that emerged as a consequence of your "good juju" (which was never really the case) from your enemy year.

So as a numerologist and astrologer, the "lay low" warning in an enemy year is not just about increased
potential for immediate negative outcomes; it's also about protecting the longer-term future and improving it.

Often times, with people who are in a position of power, the Universe is also testing the people who are capable of putting that person into a position of power
So for example, in the 2024 Dragon Year election, if the choices come down to a Snake or a Dog in astrology, the Snake would be the superior choice on an astrological basis. Of course, there will be other factors involved as well.

The same would be true for a company choosing
a CEO.

So an individual who comes to power, or into a great relationship, or into something else good during an enemy year

Might not just be about consequences for him/herself, but Karma for the people who helped get him/her there during such unfortunate timing (whether a
nation, corporate board, company overall, participants in a relationship, etc.).

It's very easy to say "Oh well I know 6 Horses and only 2 of them had unusually bad Rat years. Astrology is BS. Hell one of them got married and the other had her first kid. This is the best
time of their life! Astrology is BS!"

Yes, unfortunately it may turn out to be the best time of their life, without much potential for things to get better beyond that point. You have to study the consequences of things people did in an enemy year on the long-run to
more fully capture and understand how energy actually works. You cannot simply bring your narrow and linear thought processes that we were all educated in, in order to understand and judge the merits of astrology or numerology.

Some enemy energies, like enemies in people, will
attack you immediately and directly. Others will play the long game with you. Others will build you up so they can be the one to most effectively tear you down. You have to be careful with this stuff.

On the other side, friendly energy may not always shower you with amazing
times immediately. But the seeds you plant are far more likely to grow strongly and consistently into greater beauty, happiness, ease, etc.

I hope this helps to answer why somebody like GWB was able to win an election in 2000 during his enemy year.
Put simply, don't mistake the battle for the war.
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