This is asinine. Only a small number of Republicans may admit to believing in QAnon per se, but a much larger percentage believe in its constituent parts.
QAnon is not like believing the moon landing was faked. It's not a binary distinction where you either believe it or you don't. A huge number of people believe some parts (Soros controls the Democrats) while rejecting others (Hillary Clinton eats babies).
Research has been extremely consistent in finding alarming rates of conspiratorial beliefs among Republicans. This is a national crisis.
Citing this study is like citing figures showing that only a small percentage of Americans agree with the statement "Yes I am racist." QAnon beliefs are stigmatized. People generally don't explicitly place themselves in stigmatized groups when asked.
Plus! Theories about the moon landing or bigfoot are *qualitatively* different than QAnon. They have no political valence. They imply no action.

Huge numbers of Republicans believe Democrats are literally killing babies. This requires them to take up arms and defend the country
Yascha's project, as usual, is to suggest equivalence between Democrats and Republicans and to downplay the threat of right-wing violence. It's utterly illiterate. False beliefs are a huge problem among conservatives.
Always listen to Travis on this stuff
'Nother good thread
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