Want a real black pill?

You need to be prepared to face the fact that our cultural issues in this country may not be fixed within our lifetimes.

We are seeing the effect of 30+ years of implementation of Marxist and Communist subversion and it will take maybe 1.5x that to fix.
While quick 1776 style solutions seem enticing and like they're the only way to remove these toxic influences from our country and restore the balance, they're simply red-herrings and traps.

You can't win a 4D war with guns.

Guns exist for when 4D warfare breaks down.
Expect to have to buckle down, get uncomfortable, learn facets of the world that you have never learned before, and find the proper way to win the culture war....

Otherwise you'll risk irreparably breaking the country and damning your descendants.
You can follow @Malcolm_fleX48.
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