I do not expect anything but hostile reviews from the @NYTimes. But @JillFilipovic's review makes a number of completely false insinuations about the book, essentially accusing me of reviving racist stereotypes about sexual violence and "the other."
This smear is now repeated and amplified by @MaryamNamazie, who libelously accuses me of "perpetrating myths used by rising far-Right to attack migrants" and "placing collecting blame on 'Muslim' men."
@JillFilipovic has not understood the book. @MaryamNamazie has clearly not read it. Even the first few pages explicitly repudiate far-Right arguments, as you can see. In fact, the entire book makes it clear that I reject such arguments.
I am afraid this is all too typical of the way the left now conducts itself in the United States. First the big lie and then the repetition. The depressing thing is that both women seem completely indifferent to the plight of the victims of sex crimes and harassment in Europe.
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