Yet another awesome release.

What’s hot 🔥 off the press this time from @elastic??

A Thread 🧵
Searchable Snapshots GA

With the exponential data growth, it might not be feasible to store all the data. With Searchable Snapshots, cold and frozen tiers (upcoming!) wherein you could search, analyze the data stored in S3, ACS, and GCS, which are inexpensive cloud object stores
App Search Web Crawler

A new web crawler that could retrieve data from publicly accessible websites and make the content searchable in your App Search engines. We’re excited about this beta launch. Try it and let us know what you think.
Autoscale your deployments

Soon, you will be able to autoscale deployments in Elastic Cloud without having to constantly monitor and manage your resources. Set some thresholds via API or UI, your storage capacity will automatically grow as the number of indexed data increases.
APM Service health page

Our redesigned service overview page can now find key insights like latency, traffic trends, error rate, and dependant microservice performance.

Letting you analyze downstream services, correlate performance issues with underlying containers, VM's.
Cross Cluster Search/Replication

Now, you could create Multi-region, Multi-cloud Elasticsearch deployments on Elastic Cloud.

It is useful for handling search requests through one region in the event another is down, aggregating data from multiple clusters for faster analysis.
Elastic Common Schema Logging Libraries GA

Being able to correlate application logs and traces, and navigate them without losing context, is vital to application troubleshooting workflows. Which logs belong to a particular trace, or which trace generated?

ECS helps do this!
Likewise, Elastic Security brings in many interesting updates: MITRE ATT&CK® sub-techniques context, Alert management, Refreshed timeline investigation UI, richer host visualization UI (pic below!)
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