These images show a convergent tendency of unfathomable intellectual puerility, to posit adherence to moral fashions invented five minutes ago as part of a crusade against a unitary, transhistorical enemy glibly identifiable with the state sanctioned mass murder on a grand scale
FDR aggrandized the American national security and administrative states and interned racial others as a security measure without charge; Churchill was a racist imperialist who gassed the Kurds; both fought fascism and held back a totalitarian tide
Acting as if "antifascism" is an applicable framework to discuss "those who do not support trans rights", including an otherwise hyper-progressive children's book author who believes "sex is real", is an exemplary instance of a moral hysteria that has been institutionalized
It's the literal instantiation of what is sometimes the strawman claim "everything I don't like is NAZI", and it doesn't just afflict overzealous teenagers but highly-credentialed professors whose ravings in fields far outside their area of competence are treated as legitimate
It's this rhetorical manufacture of a pervasive unyielding, transhistorical, unitary oppression in a world by orders of magnitude freer for sexual and other minorities than any the world has ever seen that is at the heart of Successor Ideology
A gestural pseudo-politics of pure signaling that calls us to turn against the very values that allow peaceful coexistence and cooperation within diversity possible in deference to the narcissistic rages of monomaniacs who have lost all sense of proportion and perspective
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