I can’t talk right now, I’m being a #WomenInScience a thread.


I’m a conservation biologist. I use ecology, technology, genetics and social science to save wildlife and their habitat.

I am a woman in science who wants to see more women succeed and be recognized for their contributions in science.


-Women make up half of the total U.S. college-educated workforce, but only 28% of the science & engineering workforce.
-Of this percentage, Women of Color comprise about 5%.
-Globally, women account for less than 1/3 (29.3%) of those employed in scientific research .
-Women publish less, are paid less (19%) for their research & do not progress as far as men in their careers.
-There are more women with ecology & biology related degrees than any other time in history but this is not translating to academic faculty & agency leadership positions.
I was trained as a conservation biologist almost exclusively by men. Male professors, male bosses, male colleagues. I am grateful AND, how can women see themselves and advance in STEM careers if they don’t SEE people and have mentorship by people like them in STEM careers?

“Women” is not a homogenous group. Our challenges are different.
Ww have benefitted the MOST from affirmative action (that’s me)!
We need more women in science who DON’T look like me getting the credit (& 💰) they deserve.
This means US challenging our institutions & peers
When women get together, we accomplish amazing things. I’m grateful for the women in science I continue to meet along the way.
You can follow @samanthaiam.
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