The UK Govt has a lot to answer for:

Lockdowns do more harm than good. There is no correlation between lockdown severity and Covid cases or deaths https://twitter.com/DaFeid/status/1356983901676335105
The Govt keeps moving the goal posts on what needs to be done to remove the restrictions
The Govt keeps introducing ever more restrictive and draconian policies - 10 yrs prison for failing to report a visit to Portugal correctly!
The Govt carefully ignores and encourages censorship (e.g. through Offcom guidelines) of those who challenge their preferred ad visors (SAG, iSAGE, NERVTAG) even though these advisers have lead us to one dreadful place after another
The Govt is using a campaign of fear and propaganda, the like of which has never been seem before in the UK. The closest comparisons to this will be found in the worst totalitarian regimes of the last century
International comparisons (e.g. Sweden, Florida, Japan) make the UK look sick and dysfunctional
Restrictions are destroying the lives of millions, far more than the lives that you think you are saving.
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