one of the things that sit wrong with me in the way marvel seems to be portraying bucky after endgame is the way it all fits the very toxic narrative of trauma as something that needs to be fixed in the first place, of bucky having to be fixed because at one point he was broken.
people are not objects. bucky is someone who suffered enormous emotional and physical trauma for almost seventy years and still somehow came out on the other side as someone who is fundamentally kind, and loving, and caring, and loyal, and a good friend.
but that kind of trauma? it never goes away. you work through it and you go to therapy and you learn to deal with the guilt and you try to re-learn that you deserve kindness and that it's okay to feel. but there's absolutely nothing broken about you that needs fixing.
I hope i'm wrong, I hope they'll prove me wrong and that they will address this in the series with something other than a haircut to signify that bucky's now his own man... because, spoiler alert, he always has been.
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