4 Tough Lessons I learned from Failing

Use my pain to avoid yours.


A few years ago a friend and I invented a product.

(I will not get into the details of the invention)

We spent a lot of TIME and MONEY

Only to come up short.
Some may call this failure

But the lessons I learned on the way

Were more valuable than any material I could have earned.

I now would like to share these HARD lessons with you.
Lesson #1: Learn to Handle Rejection

"No" does not mean you give up

It just means you change directions.

Continue to tell yourself, "Someone will say yes"

Every time you get back up after being told no

you become a little more resilient.

This is a superpower.
Lesson #2: Your friends will not always support you.

It's usually the people closest to you

Who will give you the most doubt.

They do this to protect you

But it ends up hurting like hell.

Don't take it personally

Use it as motivation.

Keep going.
Lesson #3: Know Your Options

My partner and I tried to patent our technology

Instead we should have licensed our technology

Saving us a lot of TIME and MONEY.

(still paying CC debt)

Go into every situation knowing all your options

So you can make the best choice.
Lesson #4: Know when to QUIT

This is the hardest lesson to learn

I come from the mentality of "never give up".

But sometimes you have to know when to walk away

"If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Then quit.

There's no point in being a damn fool about it."
These are 4 lessons that were painful to learn

But I wouldn't trade them for anything.

I will use them for the rest of my life

And I hope you will too.

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