@RickBroering @Local12Skinny #askskinnyanything

Please rank the following 12 people, from least insufferable to most insufferable...

The person who looks outside at heaping piles of snow that is sure to cause havoc on the roads and says "it's so pretty out."
The guy who, at the mere mention of the NBA, says that he doesn't watch "because they don't play any defense."

The person who runs into someone sitting by themselves somewhere and remarks "I see you're sitting with all f your friends."
The football fan who, after a particularly egregious roughing the passer call yells "just put 'em in skirts."

The guy who, as a summer rain starts to fall, announces that "my grass could use it."
The golfer who bangs home a rare putt for par and declares to the other members of his foursome that he's ready for his tour card.

The guy who, when the server comes to remove his empty plate says "I didn't like it." (Full disclosure: this has been me)
The man who, when his team's pitcher can't successfully lay down a bunt claims that "I can at least lay down a bunt."
The person who cannot take the opening sip of a cup of coffee without loudly smacking their lips and letting loose a loud "aaaahhhhhh"
The insecure single guy who reminds his about-to-married friend that "man, you're life is over."
The guy who follows women TV news and sports personalities on social media solely so that he can comment on how attractive they are when they post photos of themselves doing their jobs
The guy who's drinking with his buddies who slams back the remaining third of his beer and, unprovoked, announces that "these are going down easy." (Full disclosure: I've very often been this guy)
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