Today is #WomenInScienceDay – and I feel conflicted. On one hand I want to celebrate the wonderful women in science around me – the barriers they have overcome and their tireless work to make the world a better place.
But on the other hand... (1/5)
It doesn’t feel right. Women in science have a tough time.
Many argue that “it’s just a matter of time", but that is simply not true. In many countries undergraduate women have outnumbered men for THREE DECADES, and studies have found that STILL: (2/5)
-23% of women in STEMM have been assaulted at work
-71% of women in STEMM have been harassed at work
-Women make up only 21% of EU full professors
-Women are disproportionately impacted by COVID, reflected in the 19% the drop of women-led publications in 2020 cf 2019 (3/5)
-Within a year of finishing their STEM PhDs, women earnt almost 1/3rd less than men

AND these issues are amplified in women of colour, and LGBTQ+ women who experience greater discrimination. (4/5)
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