Today, Exeunt turns 10 – and we're marking our birthday by unearthing some treasures from the archives.

First up, it's Daniel B Yates' original manifesto for digital criticism, which won the honour of a sneery reference in Private Eye
Here's Deborah Pearson's essay The Necessity of Narrative - exploring difficult questions about performance + stories, and asking if storytelling is just "a neurotic quirk of the human species. A kind of coping mechanism or security blanket."
So far we haven't posted many reviews! but Exeunt's writers increasingly started to experiment with new ways to respond to performance - like Dave Ralf's vivid doodle ode to Fun Palaces
& dialogue reviews, like Tom Wicker and Stewart Pringle chatting about The Boy Who Kicked Pigs (under the watchful eye of a menacing pub landlord)
& reviews that explore what it's like to have an overwhelmingly personal response to something, like Tracey Sinclair's write-up of Working Class Dinner Party
There is so, so, so, so, so, so, so much more we could post. A decade's worth of writing about the performance scene we love so much. But we'll leave it here, with heartfelt thanks to the writers, editors, readers and supporters who've helped Exeunt survive this decade 💜
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