Since I am still pissed off from yesterday, let me tell you guys what happened on Wednesday. These photos are via @ThaiEnquirer but the commentary is purely mine. #ม็อบ10กุมภา #ม็อบ11กุมภา
I first arrived to see the police were using nonexistent power to check everyone bags in public place, even though they were just passing by and not participating at the rally. #ม็อบ10กุมภา #ม็อบ11กุมภา
I then finally get to interview Sai @charoenpura after several failed attempts at previous rally around 16:30 pm. #ม็อบ10กุมภา #ม็อบ11กุมภา
With more protestors arriving, the protest organizers decided to move down to the front of the Bangkok Art and Culture Center to set up a stage around 5 pm. #ม็อบ10กุมภา #ม็อบ11กุมภา
More pots and pans have arrived around the same time. #ม็อบ10กุมภา #ม็อบ11กุมภา
The anti-coup protestors from Myanmar then came to joined the rally and the spirit was high amongst protestors from both countries. #ม็อบ10กุมภา #ม็อบ11กุมภา
The police then came at them with the typical tactic of telling them to disperse because the protestors were breaking the SOE’s orders. #ม็อบ10กุมภา #ม็อบ11กุมภา
Speeches were being made simultaneously between the main stage of Thai protest leaders and the smaller group of Myanmar protestors on the side, protesting in their own language. It is quite a unique sight to see. #ม็อบ10กุมภา #ม็อบ11กุมภา
I thought it was going to be a good day until the police decided to steal some of signs from the protestors. Here is some of it. #ม็อบ10กุมภา #ม็อบ11กุมภา
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