You probably felt something was wrong your entire life but didn't know why.

You are a battery. The architect designed it this way to harness your energy and keep you in perpetual debt slavery in a invisible prison. The system is rigged to drain the life force out of you.
Do not fret you don't have to drown. There is an escape and it will be used.

Opt-out from the fiat matrix with #Bitcoin , a system which they do not control, can not shut down, deflate or confiscate. #Bitcoin is the arc that floats above the sea of freshly printed debt coupons.
I have news for the unelected cantillon elite class who are pushing their globalist agenda left and right, trying to force their dystopian vision onto the world:

"Dear billionaires,
You will own nothing and you will have fun staying poor."
Traders, analysts, fortune tellers. We are entering uncharted territory. All your models are destroyed. Hodl on for dear life.
We are still early. But the window to becoming a wholecoiner is quickly closing. Only a small tiny percentage of the world will be able to hold 1 whole bitcoin. Many coins are lost. Many will be holded by entities rather than individuals. Act now!
Once you take the leap and become a bitcoin maximalist you'll start evaluating the world in satoshis. You will enter a detoxification process of the illness that the fiat matrix has imposed on you. You will feel lighter, more calm, free and develop a longer time preference.
You'll slowly see through all the 2nd 3rd order effects and think in 1st principles and lay the puzzles by yourself. The root issues of society become clear and a path towards a better future for humanity opens up. You'll develop strong principles, morality and virtue.
It's an evolutionary process. Satoshi invented an incorruptible source that allows us to anchor ourselves to an intersubjective dimension, which is backed by the thermodynamic laws of nature and psychologically gamed to transform greed into altruism.
This is paradigm shifting.
Is it a religion? A cult? A truth machine? Freedom? Social scalability? The invention of fire? Digital scarcity? Perfectly rational mathematics and comp science?

Maybe all of the above. It's a matter of perspective. We do not know all the consequences what this will bring.
But we are keenly aware that we are onto something very important in these chaotic times. Something greater than ourselves that is awe inspiring, gives hope, and possible salvation for humanity. Something to defend with your life. What side do you want to be on? I know my answer.
You can follow @Nakadai_mon.
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