The year is 2021, people no longer go outside without their face coverings. The virus had ravaged the earth and Elon Musk was exploring the possibilities of going to Mars. People were getting thrown off of shows, platforms and stages for saying things other people didn't like (1)
Mass surveillance had become the norm, and most of the country had completely given in to the thought that the other half were racist domestic terrorists. Unrest plagued the nation, as people argued about whether or not Tom Brady should be arrested for being a racist. (2)
The "experts" had started changing language around the country. Instead of "breast" milk, doctors and nurses were told they would have to call it "chest" or "human" milk. "Amen" and anything containing "men" was cancelled. There was no such thing as gender anymore. Unless you (3)
were a woman, but only if you wanted to be called that. The government only existed as a vehicle to try and prosecute a reality TV star for....literally anything they could. They spent all of their time doing this and giving money to foreign nations for gender studies. (4)
All small businesses had been shut down, and people were forced to endure the grotesque smell of Walmart if they wanted groceries and other various sundries. The one time the mask was our welcomed friend. Some people sat imprisoned for buying, selling, or consuming cannabis (5)
while others were making double or triple their money from publicly trading cannabis stocks. All scientific evidence and findings had to come from one man... Dr Anthony Fauci. He became many people's God. No other scientist mattered, and all besides him were liars. (6)
Man, the history books are gonna be lit. Your great grandkids are going to hate you, and the legacy you left them.


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