MORNING MORNING. I want "I left Trinidad because" twitter to release themselves from the shackles of "Trinidad is a shithole" mentality. Let's just take some things into consideration here:
1. There's crime everywhere you go but if you leave because of the crime rate here cool for you. Reasonable enough decision.
2. BUT. You were privileged to be able to leave and find a job elsewhere and move etc whether that was through family or on your own. Not everyone has those means. So stop acting like everybody could magically up and leave too.
3. You cannot be in 2 places at the same time. You lose a lot of touch with the changing culture/ roots and current affairs bc this is no longer your reality. Stop trying to still play a victim to Trinidad crime when you need to worry about Amerika crime and covid.
4. Too much of you all make living elsewhere look nice when we know in reality you catching your ass bc you thought the Amerikan dream was real so gimme a break. And if you not catching your ass then good for you.
5. Lastly, if you went to skl here that means you suck up taxpayers money and all we get in return is your blasted dotishness so if you have nothing productive to contribute to the conversation/solutions yuh dont find you should hush yuh mc ?
T&T isn't perfect by any means but I refuse to move to a house when I have a home & I not going to no damn colonizer's country in this lifetime to live among people that will never understand me. But that's me. I not bashing anybody for wanting what they perceive as betterment.
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