This is not a solution! This is #BigPharma capitalising on a side effect of a medication that was designed to treat diabetes. Not only is it EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE but it also has some very serious side effects. IMO, the benefits DO NOT outweigh the risks.
Weight loss is a recognised SIDE EFFECT of this particular medication. The drug companies picked up on this and decided to market it, just like they did with viagra in the 90s. This is just another ploy to make rich drug companies richer. We need to make them more accountable
This drug works by increasing insulin production, decreasing glucagon production and slowing gastric emptying.
Translation: it gets rid of the sugar in the blood, stops it from being turned into fat & slows down digestion. The moment you stop this medication, you put weight on
As most of the people in the trial will tell you, stopping this medication leads to weight gain. Weight cycling is thought to impact your insulin resistance over time. This can lead to #type2diabetes. What do we use to treat diabetes. #semaglutide. Coincidence? @JamesTGallagher
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