It actually is my brotha or sista.

Prophecy is in Isaiah 7:14 KJV, and the Messiah's name is actually Immanuel, not Jesus. (an error in translation.)

The precept follows in Matthew 1:22-23 KJV, this scripture is referenced back to prophecy as confirmation.

As far as Immanuel's name starting with an "E" in verse 23 of Matthew 1 instead of an "I", this why.👇🏾
The name Jesus is a translation error, because when you look in the Apocrypha, 2 Esdras 7:37 KJV it states "And Jesus after him for Israel in the time of Achan:”, wait a the time of Achan?🤔

It's actually suppose to be "Joshua" in this verse, Joshua the son of Nun.
The point of this post was for correction purpose, and not persecution, whatever understanding I receive, it's not of my own, I am just a mere vessel seeking to do that which is good and right in the sight of the LORD just like any other Israelite that's aware of their identity.
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