“Dr. Jason” is the worst. I watch a lot of infant chiro videos and his bedside manner makes me cringe. In this video, filmed during the pandemic, he does a maskless home visit to evaluate an 11-day-old newborn:
Again, no masks on anyone. And the first thing he does is kiss the baby on the head. He isn’t shown washing his hands. Dad says something important: “Here’s you altar of adjustment.” Infant chiropractic is absolutely more religion than medicine so that makes sense.
He starts off with typical scripted bullshit about SI joints being mobile or stiff. This is fantasy. So is the nonsense about the sacrum pumping spinal fluid.
This is not their first child but the parents ask chiro when the umbilical stump falls off. He says 2-4 weeks. That’s wrong. On average it takes 10–14 days, 3 weeks isn’t concerning. A month would be unusual and a red flag for a condition Dr. Jason wouldn’t know Jack about.
He then checks the hip joints for what sounds like DDH, making sure “there’s no hitches”. We call them clunks in real baby medicine. His technique is useless and would never catch a dislocated or dislocatable hip. A med student doing this would need remediation.
He wiggles the hips around and points out the ease of their back and forth motion. He says some babies are rigid and unable to move their hips. This is a lie. He has never held a baby too stiff to move their hips.
This whole time baby is grunting. Mom even points this out. “He grunts all day.” The baby looks a bit premature too. I hope an actual doctor has examined him. Grunting is a red flag for increased work of breathing. Anyone with real expertise would be asking questions about it.
“He’s just voicing his beautiful voice.”

-Pretend doctor
“Subtle differences in tone” is code for making shit up.
“We’re not coming her to adjust him. We’re just here to check him.” He then immediately tells mom that there is a subluxation in the neck and does an adjustment. Baby grunts, as he has been doing constantly, which is interpreted as feeling the adjustment.
The adjustment is a light hold where the “baby is providing the pressure”. So, and I ask this question a lot, if essentially no pressure puts a subluxation back into alignment, how are babies not constantly riddled with them at all times? Just picking a baby up would cause them.
He then checks baby’s thoracic spine, claiming to evaluate the motion of individual vertebrae...with his giant man thumbs...on a tiny baby. Not a thing. More fantasy.
Conclusion: This is all absolute bullshit with zero basis in reality and chiropractors should not be allowed to treat infants.
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